Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As you grow older, you’re more likely to see lines form between your brows—and not only when you’re frustrated. A horizontal line may deepen in your forehead, and your eyebrows may sag so much that they hood your upper eyelids. 

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, can treat all of these. This surgical procedure lifts the skin, tissue, and muscle of the forehead to reduce wrinkle lines, improve frown lines, raise sagging brows, and place eyebrows to a youthful position. 

Buglino Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery created a guide outlining what a brow lift is, how you prepare and recover, the costs, and more.


How do you prepare for a brow lift?

Getting ready for a brow lift is simple. Your physician may ask you to undergo lab testing or a medical evaluation to ensure you’re qualified for the surgery. They’ll either prescribe you medication or ask you to change your current one. Avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, because they can increase bleeding and bruising. Your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking at least four weeks prior. Arrange to have someone drive you to and from your surgery. 

For more information on how to prepare for plastic surgery, check out our FAQ page


What are the types of brow lifts?

There are multiple types of brow lifts for various situations. Depending on the patient’s goals and medical needs, your board-certified surgeon will utilize specific techniques. These include:


This technique is growing in popularity because it’s less invasive than others. The surgeon will make small incisions behind the hairline, inserting a tiny camera and thin instruments to reposition muscles and lift tissue. 

Temporal or Limited Incision

Commonly performed in combination with eyelid surgery, this involves incisions behind the hairline and just above each temple. These are slightly longer than those of the endoscopic lift. 

Classic or Coronal

This classic technique is no longer used as often as it once was, because less-invasive options are available. However, it may be necessary to achieve the patient’s desired results. This method involves one incision that runs from ear to ear behind the hairline. 


What does the procedure entail?

First, you’re given either intravenous or general anesthesia to ensure you don’t experience any discomfort during surgery. Once you are sedated and numbed, the surgeon will begin making the incision. Its type and length depend upon your goals. The tissue and skin will be adjusted to correct the source of the forehead creases. The muscle will also be repositioned, as needed. The surgeon will close the incision with removable or absorbable sutures, skin adhesives, or special clips. 


How long is recovery?

It takes about 10 to 14 days to heal from a brow lift.

Immediately after the surgery, you may feel some discomfort and tightness. Your physician will give you specific instructions on what to do, and how to care for your wounds. Spend the next day or two resting with your head elevated, apply cold compresses, and avoid exposure to pressure. You’re encouraged to walk around your home, but not take part in anything more rigorous. 

Typically, you can shower two days after surgery. One week later, sutures are usually removed and you can return to a sedentary job. Swelling and bruising should disappear or lessen within 10 days. You can resume exercise in two to four weeks. 

Brow lift results are long-lasting, however, the natural aging process can’t be stopped. You may need to have an additional lift later in life. 

What are the risks?

A forehead lift poses few hazards, especially if performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. They have the experience and expertise necessary to complete the procedure safely and accurately. Several possible risks include light visible scarring, changes in skin sensation on the forehead or scalp, asymmetry in the brow positions, or differences in the hairline. 


A good candidate for a brow lift has frown lines between the brows, and wrinkle lines on the forehead, creating a serious or aged look.

What surgeries can be performed with a brow lift?

Forehead lifts can be conducted in conjunction with:

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery
  • Lower Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Skin Resurfacing


How much does a brow lift cost?

The total cost of a forehead lift is determined by several expenses. These include the surgeon’s fee, and the cost of the lift, anesthesia, hospital or facility, medical tests, post-surgery garments, and prescriptions. 

Buglino Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery offers multiple financing solutions including CareCredit, United Medical Credit, and Prosper Healthcare Lending. 


Are you a good candidate for a brow lift?

A good candidate for a brow lift has frown lines between the brows, and wrinkle lines on the forehead, creating a serious or aged look. The skin may also droop, causing the eyebrows to drop and hood the upper eyelids. You should also be in good general health, a nonsmoker, and have realistic goals. Consult with a physician to discuss your desired results. 


If you’re interested in a brow lift, contact Dr. Anthony Buglino for a free consultation today. He will discuss the procedure with you and explain how he can achieve your desired results.

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